

Hi I'm Gabrielle Vaughn and I've been married to my husband Michael Vaughn for approximately 2 years. We just like most couples had some pre martial concerns that should have been addressed prior to the "I DO". We both agreed we wanted a Christian based counselor to help us work through the kinks.

We tried a marriage counselor and we both agreed she was not a good fit for us. So back to the drawing board we went. Searching and Searching until I found Healthy Minds , Healthy Hearts Counseling Agency.

One thing that eased our minds was the ALLISON husband and wife team. With both Mr. & Mrs. ALLISON, counseling us it allowed us to get both the husband and wife perspectives and not just the one sided. Sometimes when you're in the heat of the moment you can't always see the other person's point of view. Working with the Allisons, allowed us to see things from both points of views.

We also enjoyed the one on one counseling session one day a week and marriage counseling on Saturday. It helped us with our individual trauma to become better for the marriage union.

In closing, if you're looking for a Christian based counseling team, I would highly recommend Healthy Minds, Healthy Hearts. They are professional, relatable, and absolutely great! - Gabrielle Vaughn

jenn price

"Just like many others, I struggled through quarantine. At the height of winter, I decided I needed to find someone to help me work through everything. I found Sherry online and after a few visits, we discovered that I was dealing with anxiety and depression. She helped me learn more about my conditions and how to manage with healthy coping skills and lifestyle changes. Things are not perfect by any means, but I consistently have better days. I am now very active and goal-driven! I thank Sherry for being there for me and helping me step out of such dark times." - Jenn Price

Phil & Stacey Cornelius

"My husband and I have been married for ten years. As many marriages go through ups and downs, it felt like our marriage has been more down than up. I decided to seek therapy for myself to help me with the transition for divorce. Yes, I said it, DIVORCE. My husband decided to get therapy for himself. While Mrs. Sherrie was counseling him, he saw it advantageous to utilize her services to counsel us both. Marriage therapy! I went in with an open mind, but yet with resentment, hurt feelings, and if I may be honest, seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. (We had gone down that road before) God has worked on our behalf. Let me say it again...GOD HAS WORKED ON OUR BEHALF! My heart has been softened. The resentment is melting away. I have forgiven. BUT GOD!! Thank you Mrs. Sherry for your work. Thank you to both you and your husband for believing in us when we didn't. Thank you for a safe space! Thank you for a no judgement zone! Thank you for your honesty! I can go on and on. God's love is unfailing. He is using you and your husband in a way that is literally saving lives. WE APPRECIATE YOU BOTH AND THE WORK YOU ARE DOING!" - Love, Phil & Stacey Cornelius

"According to Proverbs 15:22 KJV “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors, they are established.”

Marriage counseling is something we both believed to be necessary for any marriage to last. We realized early into our marriage that we wanted and needed counseling. All Glory to God for guiding our path to Healthy Minds, Healthy Hearts for marriage counseling. Sherry and Jeff truly gave us less of what we wanted to hear and more of what we needed to hear. We will forever be grateful for making the decision to begin marriage counseling with them and we would recommend any couple (married or not) to seek counsel from them, as they indeed have the tools to help you navigate the challenges of relationships in life. Thank you, Sherry and Jeff! Thank you, Healthy Minds, Healthy Hearts! God bless you!"

- The Dunson’s

Kollin & Alexandria Dunson

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